1. The heavy metal stuff survive beacause when you're fortunate eougn not to be part of anything that is too fashionable, and have the opportunity to stick around as all the other fashions and things fade away, you are the lastman who standing. 当你不够幸运选择了一个不那么受人追捧的潮流时,但你有你所要坚守的偏执,那么!当其他潮流褪去,你便是笑到最后的人。
2. Rock is nothing important to be extreme at all actually, it's nothing important how fast you can go or how much if a tough guy you are, it's about how far you're willing to put your emtions into music。事实上,摇滚对于是否是极端音乐一点都不重要,它无关你时候吉他弹的有多快,是否你是个硬汉,摇滚的灵魂是你投入了多少感情进去。
3. We're music lovers, and we are not art lovers, not genre lovers. There no limits, there are no rules. If there are rules, it's not music.我们只是音乐爱好者而已,我们不是所谓的艺术爱好者,或类型音乐人。摇滚没有限制,没有规则;当摇滚有限制,有规则时,它就不是音乐了。

下图都是小编自己饭制~只提取了一些Key bands

金属进化:重金属音乐发展史Metal Evolution: The Series(2011)

主演:Sam Dunn 

导演:Sam Dunn Scot McFadyen 编剧:Sam Dunn/Scot McFadyen