

Macunaíma is a crazy surrealistic Brazilian movie while being very entertaining and relatively easy to watch. Fantastic elements are incorporated well to arrive at amusing result in some sequences.

The film opens with the birth of the hero Macunaíma. The “baby”, though, is a full-grown black man while the “mom” is an aged masculine white woman. Macunaíma survives from a great flood. His two brothers and a woman and Macunaíma are forced to migrate to the city. One the way they found a gushing fountain of which the water turns Macunaíma white. One of his brothers, Jiguê, rushes to the spring but manages to wet only his soles and palms. By the time the oldest brother reaches the spring, the spring has dried up. He felt disappointed so Macunaíma reminds him, “You’re already white. What if you turn black?”

This sequence is not only ridiculous but also racist to audience who are unaccustomed to the contradiction of racial mixtures in Brazil. The critical attitude toward racial stereotypes is hard to recognized in this film and the more obvious critique is towards consumerism and capitalist development. The treatment of characterization of Macunaíma as the white “hero” is sarcastic evidence of the critical stance via the dominant myths of contemporary Brazilian society.

In light of the colonial past history of Brazil and her current economic dependence, the national identity is a long-standing issue. Hypocritic tricksters who deceit a lot to poor laborer often get flattering in Brazilian folklore and that kind of preguiça or laziness can be regarded as a form to fight against foreign snide merchant. Macunaíma, as an impuissant but loveable hero, is popular among people. When he slays the giant, everyone may identify with him. However, defeating the bureaucracy or hypocritic officials by individual is just a pastime enjoyed by masses. The final unsatisfying end of Macunaíma, is actually arranged by director to reveal that how frangible and petit these “victories” of hero are.


又名:马库纳伊玛 / Jungle Freaks


主演:戈兰德·奥特洛 保罗·宙斯 扎德尔·弗赫 

导演:瓦基姆·佩德罗·德·安德拉德 编剧:Joaquim Pedro de Andrade