CC 欧洲史 20200612-25,0825,0906.

1 Medieval Europe

Black Death (peak 1348-1350)

Great Schism(1378-1417)

Hundred Years War(1337-1453)

English vs. French

2 the Renaissance

Florence, Petrarch 彼特拉克

3 Northern Renaissance

-Moveable type printing, Gutenberg, German;

-Erasmus of Rotterdam,

-Machiavelli, Italian,1532, The Prince, realism;

-Christine de Pizan, born in Italy, lived in France, the city of ladies, idealism

4 exploration

Ottoman controlled the SE Europe;

葡 Portugal, a trading empire

1448, Dias, cape of good hope,

1498, Da Gama reached India

西 Spain, a colonies empire


1519-22, Magellan, circumnavigated the globe.

1519, invaded Mexico, Aztec empire, Inca empire

5 European expansion consequences

Colombian exchange

6 Protestant reformation

Papal monarchy

Martin Luther

7 reformation consequences

16th century

Holly Roman Empire

Russia, Ivan the terrible

Ottoman, Suleyman the magnificent

France, Jean Calvin, predestination; Henry IV.

England, Henry VIII, divorce, the War of the roses;Mary,married Philip of Spain; Elizabeth

Spain, Charles V, Philip II

8 slavery, commercial n agriculture revolutions


9 counter reformation

Catholics, counter reformation art, Baroque巴洛克

10 witchcraft

1560, witch hunt

11 17th century crisis

Little ice age, lower temperature;

Price Revolution, inflation

1618-1648, 30 years War, France, England, Sweden, Denmark, religion

12 scientific Revolution

1543,Copernicus, heliocentric


Francis Bacon

Rene Descartes 笛卡尔

Isaac Newton

13 Absolute Monarchy

France, Louis XIV, 路易十四,1638-1715, the sun king

1660s, moved government from Paris to Versailles.

14 Constitutionalism n the English Civil War

1625, James I,

1649, Charles I, was defeated by Parliament Oliver Cromwell ;1660, Charles II

Mary n William III, replaced JamesII, Glorious Revolution

Thomas Hobbes, absolutism;

John Lock, human rights, free n equal.

15 the Dutch golden age

1568-1648, 80 years War, defeated Spain

Baruch de Spinoza斯宾诺莎

1665-67, 2nd Anglo-Dutch War, lost New Amsterdam (New York)

16 Eastern Europe consolidates




Russia, Ivan IV, the terrible

17 the rise of Russia n Prussia

Russia, Peter,

Brandenburg Prussia

18 the enlightenment


Montesquieu, Persian letters, the spirit of laws

Rousseau,卢梭,middle class values, The social contract, Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.

Diderot, "All things must be examined, debated, investigated without exception n without regard for anyone's feelings."


Adam Smith, 1776, 国富论, An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.


19 enlightened monarchy

Russia, Catherine the great, 叶卡捷琳娜

Prussia, Frederick the great , 腓特烈

Austria, Habsburg, Theresa, Joseph II

France, Louis XV,

Spain, the Bourbon reforms

20 18th century warfare

Wars of Spanish, Polish, Austrian succession;

Anglo-Indian wars,

French n Indian wars,

7 years War, French vs. British,

Russia, Pugachev Rebellion

21 The French Revolution

Louise XVI 的老婆,"Let them eat cake."

Estates General, 三级会议,clergy, aristocracy, ordinary people

Citizens of a community vs. subjects of a king.

22 Napoleon

1789-1799, The French Revolution

1815, defeated in Waterloo, Belgium


23 congress of Vienna n post-Napoleonic Europe

Holy Alliance, Russia, Prussian, Austrian.


24 the industrial revolution

1776, James Watt, steam engine

Aristocracy, peasants;

Bourgeoisie, proletariat, middle class

25 reform n revolution

1800s, Middle n South America ,Independent from Spain n Portugal, Bolivar

Utopian communities: 英Owen, 法Saint Simon, Fourier, Comte孔德

26 the revolutions of 1848

Hungry Forties, potato famine, Ireland

Freedom from governmental n structural oppression.

Disunity of revolutions leading to failure.

The communist manifesto.

27 Italian n German unification

1861, kingdom of Italy

Power politics, realism in politics

Bismarck, "The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and majority decisions, but by blood and iron."

1871, the German Empire.

Opposed Catholicism.

Negative integration, find enemies or outcasts.

Positive integration, shared values and building consensus.

28 modern global expansion n resistance


1840,first opium war,

1856, second opium war

Quinine, from cinchona bark, malaria, invasion of Africa's interior.

Scramble for Africa.

29 migration

1870-90, Britain, Germany

1890-1914, Austria-Hungary, Russian

30 modern life n women's activism

1885, German Karl Benz, internal combustion engine.

1891, French Armand Peugeot, automobile.

German, Bayer, aspirin.

1902, Krupp, arms manufacturer

31 modern thought n culture

32 the roads to WWI

1912, the 1st Balkan War, against Ottoman

Wasn't Europe- from Ireland to Russia- simply a violent place where individuals n governments alike, were always primed for war?

33 WWI many battle fields


34 WWI, the struggle for peace

1919, Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations

35 the Russian revolution n Civil War

1917, February/October Revolution;

1917-1922, Russian Civil War

1918, Constituent Assembly, the Bolsheviks won only a minority of the seats, forced the dismissal of the Assembly.

1919, established Communist International.

Bolshevik dictatorship, Red Terror, led by elite not by workers.

1921, Lenin, New Economic Policy

36 post-WWI society n economy

roaring 20s, consumer economy

Multinational corporations are a new form of empire.

1921, hyperinflation in Germany.

Gandhi, Civil disobedience,

Britain n the US' main values were greed n getting rich.

Weimar Republic

People r generally stupid n easy to manipulate. Tell big lies in politics, because people will more readily believe them, since they themselves mostly tell small lies in their everyday lives.--Hitler

37 economic depression n the dictators


39 soldiers n civilians at war

Evil is not the product of demented individuals, it is the product of demented social orders.

40 holocaust, genocide n mass murder

41 the Cold War

1949, the NATO,

1955, the Warsaw Pact

1949, George Orwell, 1984

42 European recovery, the welfare state, consumerism n the common market

1945-75, The 30 glorious years


让-保罗·萨特Jean-Paul Sartre

阿尔贝·加缪Albert Camus

西蒙娜·德·波伏娃Simone de Beauvoir

43 colonies break from Europe

1947, India n Pakistan

1971, Bangladesh

1962, Algeria

1963, Kenya

Decolonize not just their countries but also their minds.


44 Revolutions in science n technology

45 Protests east n west

Injustice n structural inequality

46 The Soviet Bloc Unwinds

Thatcher, Neo-liberalism; followed by Reagan n Kohl.


47 Europe after communism

EU, promoting neoliberal business policies n emphasizing corporate profits over the well-being of workers.

48 Europe in the global age

49 21st century challenges

50 What history was, is, n will be?

十分钟速成课:欧洲历史Crash Course European History(2019)

主演:John Green 

