这是国家公园全纪录第三集中的一段引用John Wesley Hill的连串反问impressive!
"What is it that inspires love of the flag, that tunes the ear of America to sing 'My Country ' Tis of Thee'?
Is it industrial efficiency, irrigation statistics or trade output?
Is it the hideous ore dumps of the sordid mining camp?
Is it the blackened waste that follows the devastation of much of our forest wealth?
Is it the smoking factory of the grimy mill town?
Is it even the lofty metropolitan skyscraper that shuts out the sun and throws its shadow over all below?
No, our devotion to the flag is inspired by love of country. Patriotism is the religion of the soil, and the national parks are our richest patrimony."

Terry Tempest Williams ----
Our national park are place of pilgrimage, a place where we return over and over again to be still, to be contemplative. And not only do we save these lands or save these national parks, they save us. There's something about this wild continuity that gives us courage, that allows us to be the best of who we are as human beings.

One of my favorite Robert Frost poems is "West-Running Brook" , where he describes this beautiful steam coming down.And the narrator is pointing out this one spot in the brook where the water hits rock and is thrown backward, and the beauty of that spot where it sparkles in the light. And he says it's from that that we spring. It's going back toward the source,toward,as he said,"the beginning of the beginnings" . And I think national parks are a part of that - that sparkle in the water. Life pushes us forward. Our society moves forward in a great rush, but the park are that place that throws us back a little bit. That make us pause, make us reflect, and points us back to the source, to the beginning of beginnings.

From Episode 4
At the heart of the park idea is this notion that by virtue of being an American, whether you're ancestors came over on the "Mayflower" or whether they just arrived, whether you're from a big city or from a rural setting, whether your daddy owns the factory or your mother is a maid, you-you-are the owner of some of the best seafront property this nation's got. You own magnificent waterfalls. You own stunning views of mountains and stunning views of gorgeous canyon. They belong to you. They're yours. And all that's
asked of you is to pur it in your will...for your children so that they can have it, too. Hopefully you won't let it be sold off, you won't let it be despoiled. Hopefully you'll provide for proper maintenance of this property that is yours.But that's all you've got to do. Now... that's quite a bargain.

北美国家公园全纪录The National Parks: America's Best Idea(2009)



导演:肯·伯恩斯 编剧:Dayton Duncan