1.Loop station是个神奇的东西啊!

2.That’s like the unco.气氛都没了(unco奇怪的,一种贬义词)
unco /ˈʌŋkəʊ/
1.ADJ unfamiliar, strange, or odd 不熟悉的; 奇怪的
2.ADV very; extremely 非常地; 极其地
3.N a novel or remarkable person or thing 新奇或出众的人或事
unco /ˈʌŋkəʊ/
1.ADJ awkward; clumsy 笨拙的
2.N an awkward or clumsy person 笨拙的人

3.pass the torch传递火炬,薪火相传!

1. He is a raw talent

2. MillenniumDome=O2体育场


4. I feel like I was shortchanged.我感觉我被骗了(演出不值票价)

5. So much drilling on the satge.在舞台上排练了那么久

6. I am coming on my way down .我已经过气了!
7. my life is complete chaos.我的生活一团糟

8. he is just absolutely loyal他真的很讲义气!

9. He is a normal guy ,he is one of us .他就是一个普通人,和我们一样!

10. When I was down, I am your clown.

11. The Pinnacle of what I've achieved in my young career. 这是我早期职业生涯所达到的一个巅峰!

12. I was blowed up by sth.我被Sth给吓到了!

13. Smile from ear to ear.笑得合不拢嘴

14. Thank you for braving in the traffic.谢谢你们不顾千里来这里

15. I am really hangover 我酒还没醒啊!!

16. A singer, an acoustic guitar,a fixed pedal--a triumph

17. He is so driven, he knows exactly what he wants to do .他的目标很明确,他知道他到底要什么~

18. bigger venues.更大的场地!

19. I am beaming with pride for him.我很是为他骄傲

20. I couldn't be happier for him.我真的为他感到高兴!

21. I am metal for this.因为这个,我疯了!!(我的内心里一直想要做某件事)

22. ginger hair红发~

23. you sloppy head你这个懒货!!!

球门柱跳投Ed Sheeran: Jumpers for Goalposts(2015)

又名:x tour at Wembley Stadium



