开膛街 第二季Ripper Street(2013)

又名:喋血街头 第二季

主演:马修·麦克费登 杰罗姆·弗林 亚当·罗森博格 

导演:安迪·威尔逊 汤姆·森兰 编剧:Richard Warlow/Marnie Dickens

开膛街 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Limehouse detective Maurice Linklater is thrown from a window in a house which belongs to a Chinese and his superior Inspector Shine tells Reid he suspects the Triads. However Susan links courtesan Blush Pang to the house and Reid realizes that it an opium den with Blush Pang and an accomplice importing opium, which they are turning into heroin. Reid suspects that somebody in the Limehouse force is Blush Pang's business partner and sets out to prove it whilst Susan has problems with her landlord.

开膛街 第二季的影评列表

Drifting_Moon • S2E3 Repo

本来想写个分集吐槽的结果越写越长。。于是索性写完好了。这集真心棒!! 其实Ripper Stree

表帅@C语言 • 你注视着深渊,深渊也在注视着你

最后一幕停止在探长大声嘶喊的“kill him”,整季结束。 从开始到现在,探长终于黑化了,如果没意

Eleanor • BBC也太瞧得起咱了,您还敢再乱来点吗?

以下观点纯属个人自娱自乐 每次看BBC把中国元素加进他们的剧里,我总有种隔靴搔痒的感觉。 Sherl

好养活 • "What is the BBC thinking?" (S3五月开拍)

===2014.MAR.02更新=== http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/ri