

【关键词】:改变change,异常大脑abnormal brain

What is an abnormal brain?
And how does having one affect behavior?
It could turn someone into a monster, like Mr. Karloff here, but, more likely, it manifests in less dramatic ways.
Some abnormalities are structural, so they show up on a brain scan or an autospy, but others are sneakier and more insidious.
They're neurochemical in nature, so we don't always know they're there.
Some of these abnormalities may be treatable with surgery or pills.But one thing is certain, unlike old Doc. Frankenstein, we can't exchange one brain for another. Like it or not, we are stuck with the three pounds of cauliflower we were born with.

Can people really change?
Is our personality generically pre-programmed? or is it malleable?
The science of neuroplasticity suggests that our brain has the ability to change and grow throughout our life.
In essence, our experiences rewire us.
They can make us do or think things previously undoable or unthinkable. They can provoke us into forming new thoughts and ideas.
And they can teach us valuable lessons, making us less inclined to repeat the mistakes of our past.
The brain is in a constant state of flux, suggesting that nothing in life is permanent.
And yet, as they say, the more the things change, the more they stay the same.



【关键词】:拉普格拉妄想症(Capgras delusion)、发作性睡眠(narcolepsy)、睡眠性麻痹(sleep paralysis)

Let's talk about love, how does love rewire the brain?
When we meet somebody new and exciting, they invade our synapses like a virus trigerring neurochemicals that feed into attraction, arousal, even absession. We get distracted.
We think about that special someone all the time.
But we're not just thinking about them, we're building an internal model-a stimulation that helps us predict what they'll think or how they'll feel. Of course, relations get into trouble, when the stimulation meets reality.
Which begs the question-Do we ever really fall in love with another person? Or just with the idea of who they are?

In the 20s, a French psychiatrist, Jean Marie Capgras had a patient who was convinced her friends and family had been replaced by imposters.
For people living with the condition, the pathway between the visual cortex and the amygdala - the emotional center of the brain - has been severed.
When you look at your wife, you get a warm and fuzzy glow, because you have deep feelings for her. But when Ellen looks at you, she no longer feels an emotional arousal. So to her, you're just a stranger, that happens to look like her husband.
But why does she think I'm from outer space?
Capgras patiens come up with some pretty bizzare ideas. They think their loved ones have been replaced by twins or clones, robots.

In a normal rem cycle, the body disconnects from the brain, so we don't cut out our dreams.
But with sleep paralysis, the brain wakes up in a highly suggestible state. It's terrifying. People imagine they're being attacked by strange creatures. It used to be ghosts and witches, but nowadays, more commonly, it's aliens. From his perspective, his nightmares are real.

Why do we bother with relaitonships? Neuropsychiatrists say that we're hardwired to crave intimate connections. We long for love. Of course, the reality is it usually ends in heartache, leaving our delicate psyches, bruised if not completely shattered.
Why do we even bother playing those odds?
I guess because we only have to get it right once. And when it's right, we konw it. Even the memories of fulfilling reationship can sustain us. And remind us that although we maybe feel down at this particular moment, we never truely alone.


【关键词】:变化盲视(change blindness) 无意视盲(Inattentional blindness) 盲点(blind spot)

The human mind has evolved to perceive pattern and meaning in almost everything.
This tendency is known as paraidolia.

You were looking, but you didn't see.
Because we see with more than our eyes, we also see with our brains.
I think you experienced a common psychological phenomenon known as "change blindness".
It happens when there's a change is visual that goes unnoticed by the observer, because they're focused on other things.
Inattentional blindness
Perception is an inherently limited process, and the more attentional demands placed on the cognitive resources that allow for perception, the less capacity the brain has to notice non-target stimuli in the environment?

We misunderstand our own perceptual systems, therefore, our visual environment. For instance, the cellphone industry would have us believe that it is safe to drive while talking on your cell as long as your hands are free, but it is not.
Science has proven that the danger is less about whether your hands are free, and more about whether your brain is free.
Did you know that driving while using a phone, reduces the brain activity associated with driving by 37%?

What if I told all of you that you're partially blind?
That right now, you think you're seeing the world as it truly is, but in actuality, you're missing something.
See, everytime we open our eyes, light shines onto our retina. Nerve cells called photoreceptors interpret the light, transmit the information to our brain, and that's how we see.
But there's a small area on our retina where there are no photorceptors, this is called a scotoma, or "blind spot".
We all have one.
So if that's true, how is it that we never notice a black area in our field of vision?
The reason you never notice your blind spot is because your brain is great at guessing what should be there.
Sometimes we know what we want to see, and our necorter turns that expectation into a kind of virtual reality.
Which means that some of the world we see is really just an illusion.
It's scary thought when you consider how vunerable that makes us.
So how do we uncover our blind spots?
How do we fully see the truth that's right in front of our eyes?
Well, a good place to start is to simply open your mind.
Because there was a French philosopher, Henri Bergson said, "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprend."


这一集也是由一个伪案件引发真谋杀的剧情。一位环境学家找到Dr. 皮尔斯,想请他指证小镇上的化工厂排放化学物质导致数位女孩不自主抽搐。为了躲避Kate,Dr.皮尔斯携Lewicky前往,他此行的目的不是为了帮环境学家指控,而是查出导致女孩们抽搐的原因。Kate赶来帮忙,经调查,发现环境学家的诈骗,而女孩们,是因为内疚而产生的集体癔症,她们隐藏的秘密又将我们带入了另一个秘密之中,一位小镇女孩死亡的真正原因,并不是所谓的自杀。进一步调查才发现其间错综复杂的关系:同父异母的兄妹恋,被发现后,找该女生的男生母亲错手引发女孩心脏病爆发,最后将其伪装成自缢之状。

【关键词】扣带回皮质(cingulate cortex) 前额叶皮层(orbital prefrontal cortex) 熊猫症候群(链球菌感染相关的儿童自身免疫性神经精神障碍)(PANDAS) 集体癔症(Collective hysteria)=集体歇斯底里(mass hysteria) 遗传性性吸引(genetic sexual attraction)

What is your deepest, darkest secret? The one you’ve never told a soul? I don’t know, did you betray a friend’s confidence? Or, shop shift from the campus store? Maybe you’re dying to sleep with the girl sitting in front of you?
Right now, there is a war going on in your brain.
Our best guess is that your cingulate cortex desperately wants to tell the truth, but your orbital prefrontal cortex is stimulating how bad things will be if you actually spill the beans.
If your prefrontal cortex wins, your level of stress hormones goes up. If your cingulate cortex wins, your stress level drops.
So, if biologically, healthier to confess our secrets. What is it about human nature that makes us fight so hard to keep them hidden?

Our DNA compels us to connect with our genetic tribe, but psychological imprinting and social taboo overwhelm sexual desire when siblings are raised together.
But when two people are unaware of their biological bond, they're drawn to each other.

Freud once said :" No moral can keep a secret."
If his lips are silent, he chatters with his finger-tips, betrayal oozes out of every pore. I think old Sigmund might have been onto something.
Although we may be desperate to keep our secrets, the harder we try to bury them, the more they rise to the surface.
We are neurologically compelled to confess, and that's a good thing, because confession is good for the body, good for the brain. It might even good for the soul, if you believe in that sort of thing.



此集讲述了网络与现实世界的虚幻和真实。一位五年来都没与人交谈,甚至走出家门的青年,在网络“万花筒”里却能与人自如交流。他被网上“棱镜酒吧”创建人“自由人M”屏蔽,为了能重新回到酒吧,他迈出家门,却被误认成“自由人M”被一群小混混毒打了一顿。此之后,“自由人M”死了,会是谁将其枪杀的呢?Dr. 皮尔斯进入“万花筒”调查,却深陷网络不可自拔,爱上了虚拟人物,而此人正是青年的母亲,也正是她杀了“自由人M”,这是她为了保护自己的孩子而做出的举动。何为真实?何为虚幻?其实很多东西都是我们的想象,我们的感受,不一定真实,不过只要你相信这个感觉,那么就是真实,从某种层面来说。

【关键词】 万花筒(Caleidoscope) 多动症(A.D.D/ attention-deficit disorder)偏见(biase)

Technocially, “Caleidoscope” is a massively multiplayer online social game, but you can think of it as facebook in 3-D.

I think of it as a delivery system for attention-deficit disorder, because video games cause A.D.D.

Take a look at the person sitting closest to you. What do you see? A rival? An ex-lover? The guy who think you don’t know he copies your notes every class?
Would it surpise you to learn it’s mostly a fantasy?
We get to know people by taking a few small clues that we have about them and processing it all through a neural filter laden with our own personal biases.
We rely on our mind to fill in the blanks of their identity. But who the people in our lives really are, their essence——that’s in their brains, not ours.
The reality is, until the next high-school dropout from Silicon Valley invetnts a way for us to literally plug in to the brains of another person. We can never really know who they are. All we can do is arm ourselves with what we know to be true——our feelings.

Love, anger, longing, happinness, fear, friendship, these are the brain’s guiding system.
It’s true north, and if we can manage to trust them, they can ususally help us to find what we are looking for.



此集是由脑起搏器展开的,一位帕金森症的病人佩戴了脑起搏器却突发状况,被Dr. 皮尔斯救了。本觉得是医疗器械有缺陷引起的,谁知一位主治医生却死了,他的妻子也是佩戴脑起搏器的特发性震颤患者,并陷入了最小意识状态。Dr皮尔斯与一位科学家成功将起搏器转移了位置,唤醒了她。原来是她失手推到了医生(她丈夫)导致他磕到头而死亡了。而她的过失之举又是另有所因,与另外那十多起脑起搏器意外事件一样。由此牵涉出医生与医药代表之间的私情,女人因想独自拥有男人而想用此方式杀死他妻子,谁知……失去的却是她最在乎的人。

【专业词汇】 脑起搏器(DBS/deep brain stimulator) 帕金森(Parkinson)特发性震颤(essential tremor)微创手术(minimally invasive procedure) 肌张力障碍(dystoma) 抽动秽语综合症(Tourette’s) 老年痴呆症(Alzheimer’s) 肥胖症(obesity) 精神分裂症(schizophrenia)

The good doctor has just performed ahemispherectomy to remove the diseased half of the brain.
This is Johnny’s left hemisphere, the sidethat contains his language center, it’s also the half of his brain we had totake out, amazingly, speech and other functions once controlled by the lefthemisphere will eventually develop in the right.
Hemispherectomies not only save lives, theyalso show us that to be fully human only takes half a brain, which some of youdemonstrate on a daily basis.
As for the rest of you, does that mean youhave a lot more brain power than you need? Or does it mean that you have vastamounts of unrealized potential?

He has electrodes implanted in his brain tohelp relieve his Parkinson’s symptoms. It’s powered by a battery pack in hischest.
10% of the cases are under 40.

Why are humans constantly striving forimprovement? Much of our ambition is driven by our large prefrontal cortex,which is why we’re in the classroom, and not in the jungle eating bananas.
Everyday, we hear about new technologicaladvancements, upgraded cell phones, faster computers, new medical techniques. Scienceseems to have unlimited potential. And many of these advances really do makeour life better.
But sometimes I think, in our striving forimprovement, we lose aside of something just important.
Maybe we should try to accept what’salready pretty good about ourselves. Not everything needs fixing. Mozart’smusic was still 100 years old, it doesn’t acquire any upgrade, it’s perfectjust the way it is.




认知采访 cognitive interviewing 神经创伤 psychic wounds 生态疗法 Ecological therapy 催眠 hypnosis

Daniel, I forgive you for being a 20-year-old kid who thought he had all the answers.
Thanks. Of course, that's cold comfort seeing as it's really just me forgiving myself.

We want to believe that the brain is all-powerful, that there's nothing we can't learn, nothing we can't conquer if we just set our winds to it.
But despite the brain's elegance and efficiency, there are some things that the power of the mind just cannot do. Sometimes, when we're faced with an intractable problem, it's not the brain that can solve it, it's the heart.

罪案第六感 第二季Perception(2013)


主演:艾瑞克·麦柯马克 瑞切尔·蕾·库克 阿尔杰·史密斯 凯利·罗 

导演:格雷格·毕曼 编剧:迈克·苏斯曼 Mike Sussman/肯尼士·比勒 Kenneth Biller