

1. What would you be like if there was nobody else in the world? Who would you be if the only opinion that mattered was yours? Because if you want to be truly happy, you must be that person. You must search inside yourself for what is uniquely you. When you find it, polish it until it becomes your style. It's no good being a pig farmer for 30 years, looking back and saying:"I was meant to be a ballet dancer". By that time, pigs are your style.
2. For people like me, the dream is to win and to keep the love of a great dark man, A real man. The essence of a real man is that he does not fall in love with his own sex. It’s impossible. This does not prevent homosexuals from trying. They pile the make-up on thicker, they sway more from side to side, they camp even more outrageously. And the more they do this, the further the object of desire backs away. His hands raised in horror.
3. Live alone. The continual presence of another will cramp your style in the end, unless, of course, that person is someone you love. Then the burden will be intolerable straightaway.
4. The problem of sex between two men is not that it is dirty or harmful, but that it is conrived. For a man and a woman, their union is taken for granted. Before two men get into bed, they must first sit down and have a board(balled) meeting. The soul doesn't stand a chance.
5. Mr. Steele, if your happiness is entirely dependent on another's love, you will never truely be happy. If your love is valuable to you, it is because you give it. You must be ready to expecy nothing in return. Once you accept this, your heart will never be broken again.
6. They operate on this prinple that in order to find their great dark man, they must first look like him. Since clones are exclisively attracted to other clones, it is impossible to rope one in without first becoming one. But which of these is the original, the archetype, and how many of them are merely pretenders, clone admirers in disguise?
7. Homosexuals are forever complaning of one ailment or another. Aids is a fad, nothing more.
8. Persistence is your greatest weapon. It is in the nature of barriers that they fall. Do not seek to become like your opponents. You have the burden and the great joy of being outsiders. Everyday you live is a kind of triumph. This you should cling onto. You should make no effort to try and join society. Stay right where you are. Give your name and serial number, and wait for society to form itself around you. Because it most certainly will. Neither look forward where there is doubt, nor backward where there is regret. Look inward and ask, not if there is anything outside that you want, but whether there is anything inside that you have not yet unpacked.

英国人在纽约An Englishman in New York(2009)


主演:约翰·赫特 丹尼斯·欧哈拉 乔纳森·塔克 辛西娅·尼克松 S 

导演:Richard Laxton 编剧:Brian Fillis