
Four ambitious, confident Manhattan women who have been best friends since biz school -- Mia, Zoe, Juliet and Caitlin -- try to lead their legendary career. They aren't just powerful and intelligent as singular executive sensations in today's corporate battlezones; they've bonded into a formidable unit --"Cashmere Mafia" -- to support and counsel each other through good times and bad. How better to climb up the corporate ladder than with your buddies at your side! Whether it's coping with rocky marriages, fending off scheming colleagues or just trying to find themselves in the midst of their chaotic lives, these remarkable women keep centered with their valuable friendship.

Ambition always comes with a price.(Ep1)

Competition starts from the very beginning, even if it's as trivial as anniversary but the real game later on bidding for the publisher trigger the battle between the two opponents plus lovers who just got engaged several mins ago. From the perspective of a man, if I may say, it's a shame for Jack to play dirty first even worse he got caught in the face of Mia. As the age-old saying points out Never underestimate your enemy especially when it's a woman. Worst comes to worst, after the last Peter Johnson case easily snatched by Mia with the help of her formidable sidekicks, Jack still don't get a lesson learned though he claimed to step up the security .He easily slipped the confidential info when he ,you know, presented his masculine charisma in bed .In this biz jungle the only possible consequence for this stupid behavior is a predictable failure. But the most impotent action is he cancelled the wedding. He try to keep his dignity as a man or a Male Chauvinism but it turned out to be just the other way round. Apparently he forget the cardinal rule for a great man that accept your failure which is part of your life and face it bravely, no matter who the winner is , your friend, your families or in this case, your fiancee. In a nutshell, when Carly Fiorina (former CEO of HP ) meet Larry Page(co-foundrer of Google) and fall in love ,what will happen?
Since the first sight of Juilet ,I inevitably associate her with Bree Vande Kamp from Desperate Housewives, and the consequent scenario proved my thought .Both of them are elegant, dedicated to their jobs and ,sadly, cheated by their husband .But contrary to the gentle compromise of Bree, Juilet decide to illustrate her husband Davis the aftermath for irritating this powerful woman , a disaster. One resembling point Juilet share with Bree is the fear and despair of the potential fiasco of their marriage .One line moved me from Juilet is ''don't get me wrong I hate this but I hate being the alternative more I don't want to be a single mother, a blind date a third wheel .I love having someone to come home, to go to parties and do the postmortems with, to plan holidays for...'' . Every has the moments of desperation but for the mafia just don't let them have too often otherwise they will show you the definition of hell.
Zoe is kinda my type girl and definately a catch. She wears a taking mile, gets actively involved into her career and has a strong sense of family. The issue for her in this episode is her nanny, or to be further ,a stereotype question, how to balance your family life with your career as a professional biz woman.In the following episodes,we will find her challenges are way above the nanny thing, the conspiring colleagues, the seduction to her adorable husband from the stayhome mother, but good thing is she handled them pretty well.Actually,she did a wonderful job ,both as a mother and a managing director.
As for the Caitlin lesbian issue I choose to skip .It's way out of my league though the acting of Caitlin is cute.
Generally speaking, Cashmere Mafia is a pretty feminism drama .We could clearly track down the ubiquitous remnant from the Sex and City. Still several loaded questions are raised and remain to be answered.
This is my first review of a TV series, well ,officially. So any comment will be welcome and accepted. Have fun here ~~~
PS: Anyone who watched this episode please leave your own review even one sentence will be desirable.

女人帮Cashmere Mafia(2008)

主演:刘玉玲 弗兰西丝·奥康纳 米兰达·奥图 Bonnie Som 

导演:Peyton Reed 编剧:Kevin Wade/Terri Minsky
