油管上这个电影被切分成了十二段,每段大约10分钟。前三段我是以前看的,主要就是演老爹在上院发表支持美洲殖民地立场的演说,那句著名的“If I were an American,as I am an Englishman,while a foreign troop was landed in my country,I never would lay down my arms–Never!Never!Never!”,倒下,父子谈心,父亲问儿子自己的名字,儿子说Lord Chatham,父亲说不,My name is your name。小Billy十岁的拿破仑在大洋彼岸出生。Billy从剑桥肆业,从政,1784年大选前夕与Wilber乘马车遭遇福克斯派袭击,被人英雄救美。选战获胜,击败福克斯与诺斯联盟,成为代表剑桥大学的议员,同时上台组阁。
His career is to be judged,not by the failures which bulk so large on the surface,but rather by the energy and fortitude which he breathed into his successors and into the nation at large.As I then wrote-"The victor in the Great War was not Napoleon but Pitt."--John Holland Rose
"I return you many thanks for the honour you have done me; but Europe is not to be saved by any single man. England has saved herself by her exertions, and will, as I trust, save Europe by her example. "--William Pitt