

兔子洞 rabbit hole

-I try to make things nice.
-You can't.You just can't.
Alright? I'm sorry.Things aren't nice anymore.

-Does it ever go away?
-No.I don't think it does,not for me.It hasn't.
It has being going on for eleven years.
It changes though.

-I don't know... The weight of it,I guess.
At some point,it becomes bearable.
It turns into something that you can crawl out from under.
And..You can carry it around like a brick in your pocket.
And..you even forget it for a while.but then you reach in for whatever reason.
And..There it is.
Oh,right. That.
It could be awful.But not all the time.
It's kinda not that you like it exactly.but it's what you've got instead of your son.
So,you carry it around,and it doesn't go away,which is..

-Which is what?


-Somewhere out there I'm making pancake?Or I'm in a water park?
-Yeah,sure,both.I think there are lots of possibilities.
There are tons of yous and tons of mes over around.
-That's just the sad version of us.and there are other versions.
I like that thought.It's nice.
Somewhere out there I'm having a good time.

其实起初对Jason描述的平行世界不太感冒 后来才发现 这是他们寻找悲伤发泄的窗口
rabbit hole给痛苦不堪的生活带来几丝希望 不只是Becca夫妇 也是Jason自己
他们的心灵也因此蒙上了一层美好的梦幻 使他们相信 或许在另一个世界 生活也是美好的

Becca母亲同样经历丧子之痛 十一年来 又怎么不撕心裂肺 并感同身受
即使伤痛每天都跟随你 可有时候时间会磨去一些伤痛 有时候甚至你会忘记了 可是想起来的时候 心里一沉 噢 它还在那儿
所以 既然如此 释怀后把它当成美好的事保存吧 拥有回忆未尝不是桩幸福的事呢 毕竟 一切都过去了

于是 Becca选择宽容 虽然曾经神经而敏感 杜绝与别人来往 又对怀孕的妹妹嫉妒冷漠 甚至在超市与一位母亲大打出手
然而 她最终宽容了
她宽容了害死她儿子的凶手 宽容了自己 她微笑面对 真诚相待
同丈夫一起 携手崭新生活 即使未来的日子仍然艰涩难捱 因为爱 还好可以彼此扶持 相守到老

兔子洞Rabbit Hole(2010)

又名:心灵触洞(港) / 爱,让悲伤终结(台) / 爱的拐点 / 出口

上映日期:2010-09-13(多伦多电影节) / 2010-12-17(美国)片长:91分钟

主演:妮可·基德曼 艾伦·艾克哈特 黛安·韦斯特 迈尔斯·特勒  

导演:约翰·卡梅隆·米切尔 编剧:大卫·林赛-阿贝尔 David Lindsay-Abaire


hong • 兔子洞