死人财 (TEMPO 大奖, IDFA入围作品)

纪录片行业的巨作!90年代末,波兰政府发行了一项提供给波兰公民死者家属的葬礼基金。而波兰罗兹市的殡仪从业者却把他们贪婪的双手伸向了这笔基金。 通过贿赂救护车司机,找到死者家属信息,利用他们仍沉浸在巨大悲痛中、无心看完厚重合同的机会,骗取他们转交基金的签名。当救护车司机说出“死人越多我们 越赚”这样的话时,我们看到了巨大的丑恶。而贪欲也使最初的诈骗也演变成了谋杀…

Richard Solarz, Fredrik von Krusenstjerna/Fvk Film AB/2008/95分钟/35毫米/波兰语, 中英文字幕

Necrobusiness (TEMPO AWARD, IDFA official selection)

During the late 90’s, the Polish government issued a burial fund to the relatives of any deceased citizen. Now the undertakers of Lodz in Poland have figured out a way to lay their greedy hands on those funds. By paying ambulance drivers to get the information where the unfortunate relatives live, they went there with contracts to get the relatives to sign over the burial funds to the undertakers. The idea was that while the relatives was still struck with grief and sorrow, they wouldn’t want to read through a thick contract and just sign it instead. Things really went ugly when the ambulance drivers figured out that they would make more money if more people died. Something that started as a swindle ended up in murder…

Richard Solarz, Fredrik von Krusenstjerna/Fvk Film
AB/2008/95min/35mm/Polish dialogue, English and Chinese subtitles


又名:The Polish Ambulance Murders


主演:Monika Sieradzka Witold Skrzyd 

导演:Richard Solarz Fredrik von Krusenstjerna