
The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.

谈话分析把传播看作构建行为的一种手段。它以“关于对话、其他形式的谈话以及互动过程中的行为的现场记录作为研究数据,并对使人的行为成为可能的那些机制建构系统进行描述。” “对于关系传播而言,与其说社会结构和个人差异被看作是具有散乱结果的自变量,不如说交流者也通过其交流行为塑造、构建或者做出‘关系’”。

1. 交谈即行为。
交谈是交流者用来做事情的手段,这是交谈最重要的方面。我们往往认为当某人在说某事时,他们不仅仅是描述,或者说不主要在描述,不主要是传递信息或者赋予意义,而是他们正在做某件事情。 对一句话的理解,将会体现在它是如何被回应的过程之中。
如A1-A6(见文后附录):当Caleb问Catherine:“You have breakfast already?”时,即使是母语非英语的人也可以发现,这个问句不是正常的语法结构;它最大特点在于突出了already(将already放到最后)。对此,Catherine的回答非常简单,简单到只回答:“Yes”。

2. 谈话是有结构的。
举电影中的例子说明,如B22-27:Catherine问Caleb:“What are you doing?”时,Caleb的回答是:“I see you left me no pizza.”。在我看来,这又是一次奇怪的交谈方式。在人际传播谈话理论下,有这样一个术语称为“邻近对子”(Adjacency pair),如A问:“猜猜发生了什么事?”B回答:“什么事?”这样的一个基本的谈话模式就是一个邻近对子。邻近对子在生活中日常谈话中,应该是非常常见的,特别是像夫妻关系,这样保持持久联系的二人浪漫关系中,邻近对子在日常交流中所占的比重应该非常多。生活中很多的传播内容,其形式的意义要大过内容的重要性。




1. Caleb: You have breakfast already?
2. Catherine: Yes.
3. Caleb: What'd you eat?
4. Catherine: I had the last bagel and a yogurt.
5. Caleb: Are you planning on making a grocery trip soon?
6. Catherine: Caleb, you work 2 4 hours and then you're off for 48. You've got more time to go than l do.
7. Caleb: l asked a simple question.
8. Catherine: You don't need to get smart with me.
9. Caleb: At least save me some breakfast.
10. Catherine: I never know when you're coming or going. You don't tell me.
11. Caleb: Catherine, what is your problem? Did l offend you by walking in the door?
12. Catherine: You can't expect me to work every day and get the groceries......while you look at trash on the internet dreaming about your boat.
13. Caleb: You chose to take this job.-No one said you had to work full-time.-We need the income.
14. Catherine: Especially since you tuck away a third of your salary......saving for a boat we don't need. You've got $2 4,000 in savings when things in our house need fixing.
15. Caleb: Like what?
16. Catherine: The back door needs to be painted, the yard needs landscaping. And I wanna put more shelves in the closet.
17. Caleb: Those are called preferences. Those are not needs.
18. Catherine: There's a difference. If you wanna spend your money on that stuff, fine.
19. Caleb: I've been saving for my boat for years. You're not taking that from me.
20. Catherine: This is so pointless. I don't have time for this.
21. Caleb: Yeah, shut the door on your way out.

22. Catherine: What are you doing?
23. Caleb: l see you left me no pizza.
24. Catherine: I just lit that candle. I like the way it smells.
25. Caleb: Well, l don't. Did you leave me any dinner at all?
26. Catherine: I assumed you were eating with Michael.
27. Caleb: Does it not occur to you......that two people in this house both need to eat?
28. Catherine: You know what? If you would communicate with me......maybe l could have something for you.
29. Caleb: Why do you have to make everything so difficult?
30. Catherine: Oh, I'm making everything difficult? I'm carrying the weight around here while you're off doing your own thing.
31. Caleb: Excuse me? I'm working to pay this mortgage, and l pay for both of the cars.
32. Yeah, and that's all you do.
33. Catherine: I pay all of our bills with my salary.
34. Caleb: Which you agreed to do. That's fair. Do you not like this house? Do you not like your car?
35. Catherine: Caleb, who takes care of this house? Me. Who washes all the clothes? Me. Who gets all the groceries? Me. Not to mention l'm helping my parents every weekend. I've got all this pressure on me. The only thing you do for anybody is for yourself.
36. Caleb: Let me tell you, you don't know the first thing about pressure. All right? You think I put out house fires for myself? Or rush to car wrecks at 2 a.m. for myself? Or pull a child's body out of a lake for myself? You have no idea what l go through.
37. Catherine: Yeah, but what do you do around here other than watch TV......and waste time on the Internet? If looking at that trash is how you get fulfilled, that's fine. But l will not compete with it.
38. Caleb: Well, l sure don't get it from you. And you won't.
39. Catherine: Because you care more about saving for your stupid boat......and pleasing yourself than you ever did about me.
40. Caleb: Shut up! l'm sick of you! You disrespectful, ungrateful, selfish woman!-
41. Catherine: I'm not selfish.-How dare you say that?
42. Caleb: You constantly nag me and you drain the life out of me! I'm tired of it! If you can't give me the respect l deserve--Look at me!--then what's the point of this marriage? Catherine: I want out. I just want out.
43. Caleb: If you want out, that's fine with me!

44. Caleb: Catherine, are you okay?
45. Catherine: I'm fine.
46. Caleb: Aren't you going to work?
47. Catherine: No.
48. Caleb: Are you sick?
49. Catherine: I'll be fine.
50. Caleb: Is it your allergies?
51. Catherine: I said I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.
52. Caleb: Because if you need something, I can go to the store.
53. Catherine: No, I'm okay. You can go.
54. Caleb: Okay.
55. Caleb: Can you sit up for me? You got a fever. Here. You think you can take this?
56. Catherine: Why are you doing this?
57. Caleb: I have learned you never leave your partner. Especially in a fire.
58. Catherine: Caleb, what's happened to you?
59. Caleb: Dad asked me if there was anything in me......that wanted to save our marriage. And then he gave me something. I could let you read it.
60. Catherine: Was it this?
61. Caleb: How long have you known?
62. Catherine: I found it yesterday. So, what day are you on?
63. Caleb: Forty-three.
64. Catherine: There's only 40.
65. Caleb: Who says I have to stop?
66. Catherine: Caleb......I don't know how to process this. This is not normal for you.
67. Caleb: Welcome to the new normal.
68. Catherine: You didn't wanna do this at first, did you?
69. Caleb: No. But halfway through, l realized......that l did not understand what love was. And once I understood that, I wanted to do it.
70. Catherine: Caleb, I want to believe that this is real. But I am not ready to say that I trust you again.
71. Caleb: I understand that. But whether you ever reach that point or not......I need you to understand something. I am sorry. I have been so selfish. For the past seven years, I have trampled on you......with my words and with my actions. I have loved other things when I should have loved you. In the last few weeks......God has given me a love for you that I had never had before. And I have asked him to forgive me. And I am hoping, I am praying......that somehow you would be able to forgive me too.
72. Catherine, I do not want to live the rest of my life without you.
73. Catherine: I'm supposed to give those divorce papers......to my lawyer next week. I just....I need some time.....to think.
74. Caleb: You can have all the time you need.




主演:柯克·卡梅隆 艾琳·贝西亚 Ken Bevel Stephe 

导演:埃里克斯·肯德里克 编剧:埃里克斯·肯德里克 Alex Kendrick/斯蒂芬·肯德里克 Stephen Kendrick


yoyo • .