看的是01:19:41的版本 我是从炸警察局开始看的 以为杀手疯狂结束别人生命最后像一个正常杀手一样自尽这片子就正常了 但是后来发现 恩?不一样、、、 又倒回去从头看到中间 前面背景金融危机 石油污染 社会问题 强调发展中国家每年多制造7000万人口污染环境消耗资源 伴随着威廉的拳击声 23岁的杀手和父母住在一起 作为低级修车技师只够买得起300美金的车 与威廉挣扎的生活来比朋友EVEN的生活简直要好很多了 even更喜欢夸夸其谈 各种改造世界的新想法 喜欢谈论生活更好的银行家的生活 对威廉廉价的生活表示不屑 威廉也在慢慢接受着even随意轻狂不羁的思想 但从不轻易的发表观点 他不认为EVEN会去行动 表面上微笑着面对不公 鄙视 困境 试图表现的从容并暗自计划着改变

  It's a downward spiralto the end of all times.
  And there's no chance that we can survive.
  I mean...
  70 million people every year
  are brought onto this Earth.
  What are they doing?
  Sucking up our resources.
  There's too many people, so what do we do?
  Just keep them around?
  Let's kill them.
  Let's get rid of them.
  Good, thank you.
  Thanks for-- thanks for coming out.
  But you know what?
  We're at capacity.
  We're at capacity now.
  So... sorry, no more.
  No more.
  So that's what I'll do.
  Why not?
  That's my plan.
  That's what I want to do.
  Let's just clean the world,
  so maybe the rest of us can sustain a little bit of life.
  So maybe that's what I'll do in the future.
  I'll help you out.
  I'll help you out,
  and I will cleanse,
  make more room for you.
  I will exhibit my own brand of population control...
  for you.
  That's it.



主演:布莱登·佛雷切 凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 肖恩·西珀斯 

导演:乌维·鲍尔 编剧:Uwe Boll