Dear Rachel,
My mother always told me the hardest things to do in life are to trust, to have faith and to forgive. So I want you to hear the strength in my voice when I say I forgive you because I love you, that's simple and that complicated to forgive is to move forward. Georgia rule.
本片編劇Mark Andrus擅長的家庭倫理劇,像是前作Life as a House與Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood等,都屬於較清淡溫馨的類型;而導演Garry Marshell之前執導過的同類型電影有Raising Helen與The Princess Diaries系列,略有一些透過劇情表達出的情感不夠深刻的小問題,使得Lindsay飾演的Rachel在某些帶著複雜情緒的情慾表現上顯得粗糙多餘。無論是躺到床上想與Simon發生關係,或是最後與Arnold間的利害威脅攻防,都處理得無味又無謂,反倒降低了本片情感深度與角色水準。不過,難得的是,與男角Harlan在船上一段探索彼此性慾的戲碼,雖不夠細緻,卻有一小段讓她演繹出角色當下心情的細膩複雜,堪稱全片中她最生動深刻的表演,讓人印象深刻。