
又名:可能的脸 / Possible Faces

上映日期:2017-10-21(釜山电影节) / 2019-01-24(韩国)片长:132分钟

主演:金玺碧 朴钟焕 白秀章 

导演:李康贤 编剧:李康贤 Kang-hyun Lee


Giseon在一所中学当管理员。他开始培养对金苏的兴趣,他是足球队的学生。他问他的足球实践如何,学校是否有任何问题。他甚至在家里拜访他。Giseon的前海津辞职,忙着改造她母亲的小餐馆。吉森和海金的故事是平行的,一段时间后又出现了。Giseon已经放弃在学校工作,正在写私人通讯。他正在写一个关于递送司机Hyeonsu的故事。电影中每个人物都生活在自己的时代。导演说:“我记得我看到一张脸的瞬间。一张脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑,一张愤怒的脸,一张毫无生气地环顾四周的脸,一张毫无表情的脸。“可能的面孔不是一部与故事发展有关的电影。这是一个三个人物的故事,它们之间有某种联系,但没有明确的因果关系 。
Plot Summary:Giseon works as an administrator at a high school. He begins to nurture an interest in Jinsu, a student on the soccer team. He asks him how his soccer practices are, and whether there are any problems in school. He even visits him at home. Giseon's ex Hyejin quits her job and gets busy remodeling her mother's small restaurant. The stories of Giseon and Hyejin run parallel, and they reappear after some time has passed. Giseon has quit working at the school and is writing for a private newsletter. He is writing a story on a delivery driver, Hyeonsu.


李今个儿 • 《可能的脸》:NAVER电影(中韩双语影评)

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