M: she knows I did.
C: yeah,because you're brave and reckless, and because I was in trouble.
M: That's right, I did it because I love you.
C: I thought love was weakness. isn't that what the commanders in your head tell you?
M: yes, all but one.
C: I think you should get some sleep.
M: I don't want to sleep. everytime I close my eyes, I see you, outside the door at Mount Weather, ready for war, and then I walk away, leaving you there alone.
C: let me translate that for you. Lexa protected her people by making a deal with enermy, leaving Skikru to die. yes, just like i've done here. I don't need ghosts to tell me what I've lost to protect you, Madi.
M: Clarke, she is not a ghost, they all aren't. and you're wrong about why she's showing me that memory. betraying you is her deepest regret. she's showing me that because she doesn't want you to make the same mistake she did. Please, Clarke, I know you're scared, I am too, but I have to do this, and you have to let me.
C: Oh...Madi,this is how we survive.
M: it may be, but life should be about more than just surviving.
同为部落领导人,只有Clarke 和 Lexa彼此能够了解彼此为保护子民所不得已做出的或许残酷、或许非人道、或许自私的决定,她们都默默承担着身为领导人受人非议的痛苦。但,总得有人去做出决定,也总得有人去承担,不是吗?第三季中,Lexa为保护Clarke,同时为了让Clarke接受她的保护,不顾手下的反对,毅然决然地想要接受Skikru为第十三部落。而Clarke,这位Wanheda,为了保护自己的子民,只能暂时忘却Lexa在Weather山前的背叛离去,对Lexa俯首称臣。尤记得该仪式后Lexa向Clarke下跪并许诺“your people are my people"的场景。
同为部落领导人,Clarke是明白Lexa的。"let me translate that for you. Lexa protected her people by making a deal with enermy, leaving Skikru to die.",或许,当选择摆在她面前,她也会不得不做出同样的选择吧。但是,在Lexa传达给Madi的意识里,她后悔了。她不该于Weather山前弃Clarke而去,同时,她也不想因为Clarke因为保护自己的子民(Madi),在大事大非面前做出错的选择。Clarke此时其实已经被说动,但本身却非常害怕失去Madi,只能说,“this is how we survive.” Madi的一句,“but life should be about more than just surviving."彻底唤醒了Clarke,她看到了自己曾经以同样的话语劝说Lexa的场面,她看到了曾经的自己,同时她更明白了如今的她不顾一切地想要保护Madi的出发点与Lexa是无异的。但Lexa后悔了,Lexa明白Clarke,希望Clarke不要重蹈覆辙。
M:how can you be sure?
C: listen, you are the commander(Heda), but I am the commander of death(Wanheda),and I say we will meet again.
"we will meet again.",是的,不再是“May we meet again." 我已经失去了一个Lexa,如今,我不能够再失去你,失去让我活下去的理由。“I love her so much, but it's nothing compared to how much I love you.",对眼前的Madi的爱,已经上升了一个高度,不再是单纯的爱情,还有共患难过的母爱之前,还有
we will meet again

地球百子 第五季The 100(2018)

主演:伊莉萨·泰勒-科特尔 丽娜·伦纳 琳赛·摩根 玛莉·艾格洛蒲 

导演:迪恩·怀特 P·J·派斯 梅尔西·阿尔马斯 奥马尔·马德哈 安东尼奥·奈格列 蒂姆·斯坎伦 亨利·伊安·库斯克 亚历克斯·卡利姆诺伊斯 伊恩·萨莫伊尔 迈克尔·C·布伦德尔 编剧:杰森·罗森博格 Jason Rothenberg/卡斯·摩根 Kass Morgan