
又名:Lubov-morkov / 爱上红可人


主演:Yuri Kutsenko Kristina Orbakai 

导演:Aleksandr Strizhenov 


七年之痒——一对丈夫和妻子努力维持他们的婚姻完整。   Andrei和Marina结婚有7载,现在互相觉得已没有的爱情。他们请求一位著名的导演来帮助他们,而他的帮助……是将她们的想法植入对方的体内。如此一来, Andrei的思想运转在他妻子的头脑里,而他也过起了自己妻子的生活,管理一家艺术馆。Marina的思维体现在了律师Andrei身上……
Plot Summary:Andrei and Marina are married for 7 years and they feel there is no more love. They ask a famous doctor to help them, and he helps... by putting their minds into the bodies of each other. Now Andrei is in his wife's head, so he lives the life of his own wife, who runs an art gallery, and Marina in the body of Andrei becomes a lawyer...


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