
又名:地狱怪客:血后的崛起(台) / Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen / Hellboy - Call of Darkness

上映日期:2020-11-09(中国大陆) / 2019-04-12(美国)片长:120分钟

主演:大卫·哈伯 米拉·乔沃维奇 金大贤 伊恩·麦柯肖恩 埃利斯戴 

导演:尼尔·马歇尔 编剧:安德鲁·考斯比 Andrew Cosby/迈克·米格诺拉 Mike Mignola


地狱男爵(大卫·哈伯 David Harbour 饰)本是作为生物武器被纳粹召唤出来的怪物,却幸运得到了布鲁姆教授(伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane 饰)的营救和帮助,在教授的教导和训练之下,地狱男爵渐渐长大,之后加入了超自然调查防御局,成为了局里的王牌战将。   某日,被镇压了千年的女巫血皇后(米拉·乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)突破了收容,为了报复人类,她从地狱里召唤来一批可怕的怪兽,攻陷了伦敦。有能力和血皇后对抗的,只有地狱男爵一人,在通灵少女爱丽丝(萨莎·莱恩 Sasha Lane 饰)和上校本(金大贤 饰)的帮助下,一场艰苦且旷日持久的战斗开始了。
Plot Summary:Hellboy is a supernatural being who is the son of a fallen angel. He came to our world in 1944 as a result of a mystical ritual. The Occultists of the Third Reich had long tried to gain an advantage in the war, hoping to attract the ideal soldier to the ranks of the fascist army. Hellboy was exactly the one they needed, but they never managed to make their plans a reality. The demon from hell fell into the hands of Americans and began to serve them, protecting the world from mysterious threats. This time he is sent to England to meet face to face with Merlin's wife. Just a battle with the Blood Queen will lead to the end of the world, which the monster tried to avoid all his life.


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非Mike Mignola粉恐怕很难理解《地狱男爵》的风格,无论是美漫还是对应的电影。如果漫威和DC