

Abel Ferrara: 'I made Scarface look like Mary Poppins'


片中主要角色几乎处于一种绝望的困境。华裔黑帮老大的一句台词很有意思,“If l was into socialized medicine, l would have stayed in the Peking province”。其他少数族裔可以选择,总是有“家”可回;美国黑人在几百年的奴隶贸易中被抹去了历史、语言、族系,而上世纪中期一度浩浩荡荡的黑人民运最终被分化瓦解。沃肯在92年一次杂志访谈里评论“He (片头主角从监狱) comes out like Lenin. He has an idea to change the world. He will do anything. Now he's going to do it. ” 如此种种,又很难不让我联想到电影上映时的1990年的国际局势。“历史的终结”这样的观点风头正劲——可历史都终结了,美国黑人的境遇就这?


It should have been my best work, but I fucked up. I've only seen the film twice and I felt that I didn't give Frank enough complexity and perspective. You don't see enough anguish in his face and the things that drive him to do what he does. I wish I had another chance to play him because I would have completely altered my performance. I'm flattered that you and other people enjoy the film and my character, but I'm not satisfied that I did justice to him. Both myself and the director, Abel Ferrara, worked hard at creating a mysterious edge to Frank's personality but we lost his motivation and a sense of where he was coming from. So I'm disappointed by what comes off on the screen. (沃肯, 2004)

纽约王King of New York(1990)



主演:克里斯托弗·沃肯 大卫·卡罗素 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 韦斯利·斯 

导演:阿贝尔·费拉拉 编剧:Nicholas St. John