I'm sorry I want to write down all my thoughts inspired by this lovely serie in English, as a language learner. At the beginning I started this serie just because my longing to learn well English. Maybe also some expective of this kind of history deep inside me. Yeah, I'm also homossexual, a lesbian who till now haven't fallen in with any boys. However, I have some problems phychologically, I mean, I have a strong sense of inferiority, which cause me many times I don't have a courage to express myself, my true feeling. I always used to hide myself behind the caracter I created, which I want others to see and consider me like that, because I always believe this caracter will be loved by everybody around me and I will not suffer from the pain fo being abandoned. I'm a such ridiculous person. I'm always afraid of the criticism from the other people, no matter who. And always misundertand the conceit of abandon and criticism. I just think these two are the same thing. Maybe the fear of abandon make me try my best to satisfy everybody around me and and then I think I will not be abandoned. I realized it's wrong. It's unfair to myself.
Let's back to our lovely serie. I'm so lucky to have this opportunity to know and enjoy it. It show a world that I have always been longing to get it, telling me that all the things I've imagined could turn to reality one day.I can get my happiness,my felicity in the futue. Don't be afraid of anything, you can, on the other side of the world, there are some people that have alrealdy lived in that way and lived very happy. That a wonderful news to me.
The serie also stimulate my dream to know the world. I always want to go to the outside world. It may begin at the time after the Examintation and I needed to choose my university. I only selected those school of the other province, like Beijing, Guangzhou, because I knew I would never only want to stay at that small city, even Sichuan province is also too small for me. I want to go out although at that time I still didn't know very clearly the reason why I hoped so much to go out. Now I understand a little. And maybe this feeling began more early. Maybe that time, when my parents asked me to chooso where I prefered to continuing my high school study, that town or Shifang city, with my grandparents. Yeah, I chosed Shifang, at that young age. Yeah, in the deep heart, maybe I always want to chase hapiness and believe only the outside world exist this chance to change myself. Just the desire to survive makes me go out.
Now Beijing is not enough for me. I want to go far away. I know the actual China is not fitting very well my thoughts. So I should begin another time my new traveling to find other place more proper to me. I'm always on the road and still don't know where is my destination, where I could have a nice break and peaceful life. Maybe I can find, maybe cannot, but I will continue to look for, now that I need to live .
我一直觉得人的感情是没法抑制的,我不能用道德去一直压抑自己,设限自己,告诉自己不能跨越这道线,这是错的(Most of our country's education uses this way to limit our behavior)。即使B控制住自己, 心理有了第三人,还是会对他们的感情产生隔阂。问题不能只说是B的,T也有原因。不能单纯因为T没有做对不起B的事,T默默地承受怀孕的痛苦,就把万恶全部推给B,B也是受害者。
Bette:It's kind of an act of free will,I exhausted every ounce of will I had and I still couldn’t stop myself.Tina is the only person that I am in love with.The fact is she disappeared on me she was depressed and she was completely wrappe in herself I tried to talk to her about it, but she completely shut me out
Alice:Out of seven years, I think you can wait it.
Bette:She abandoned me as much as I abandon her,we both did it.

拉字至上 第二季The L Word(2005)

又名:拉字至上 第二季

主演:詹妮弗·比尔斯 爱琳·丹尼尔斯 蕾莎·海利 劳蕾尔·霍勒曼  

导演:罗丝·崔奇 林恩·史都克威 Clément Virgo Lisa Cholodenko Burr Steers Jeremy Podeswa Ernest R. Dickerson Alison Maclean Tony Goldwyn 编剧:艾琳·柴肯 Ilene Chaiken/Susan Miller/Angela Robinson/Joshua Senter