Plot Summary:Not since Paganini had there been such a magician on the violin. Jascha Heifetz was the first truly modern virtuoso, a man about whom Itzhak Perlman said, 'When I spoke with him, I can't believe, I'm talking to God'. Heifetz was a legendary but mysterious figure whose story embodies the dual nature of artistic genius. The paradox of how a mortal man lives with immortal gifts - gifts he must honor, but which extract a life-long price. Is the man and the artist the same person? What is the price each pays? And who was the man behind the music?
Once asked why he had no autobiography, he said, “Here is my biography. I played the violin at 3 and gave my first concert at 7. I have been playing ever since.” 故土家人妻儿都散去,音乐一生,葬于大海。 70岁时的恰空和70年最后一场录像的Scottish fantasies,这两个片段印象深刻,真·炉火纯青。做他的同辈后辈太难了...
小舞 • 感触颇深的片段
说到他的婚姻,也是好多故事,他两次婚姻均以离异告终,他说:“我不应该结婚,我不应该有孩子,因为我不喜欢那种感觉,那种必须打破(break)曾经许过的很多诺言的感觉”。 ...