本片由「巴顿将军」幕后原班人马制作。葛雷哥莱毕克(Gregory Peck)在本片中将已成传奇的麦克阿瑟将军,演活成一个有血有肉的凡人。将这位一代名将如何从战胜日韩,最后被总统逼退的心路历程表达得淋漓尽致The story of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander during World War II and United Nations Commander for the Korean War. "MacArthur" begins in 1942, following the fall of Phillipines, and covers the remarkable career of this military legend up through and including the Korean War and into MacArthur's days of forced retirement after being dismissed from his post by President Truman.