蒙古少年巴之(Batzul Khayankhyarvaa 饰)天生能够听到迷失动物的哀鸣,某日巴之寻找迷途羔羊,突然昏厥。萨满法师将其救治,声称其体内藏有祖先的灵魂。醒后的巴之毫不相信,拒绝拜会萨满法师。 一场瘟疫蔓延草原,巴之家无奈搬迁,被迫融入现代社会,从牧民变成煤矿工人。离开途中,巴之听到心爱的马儿死于枪口下的哀鸣。但城市生活令牧民倍感压抑,巴之亦渐渐失去祖先的灵性,直到偷煤的女孩Zolzaya(Tsetsegee Byamba 饰)无意间闯入他的生活…… 本片获第63届威尼斯电影节评审团特别大奖。Magical realism, epilepsy, and the steppes of Mongolia. A pilot dies. His son Bagi, who, like his father, has epilepsy, grows up on the steppes, herding sheep, subject to fits. A plague among the animals forces the family off their land to a city where Bagi gets a mining job. His seizures become more frequent and bring visions in this wasteland of strip mining, factories, and rubble. He falls in with a troupe of student performers after saving the life of one of their number. As the crisis of his people deepens - herders without flocks - Bagi uses the visions to seek direction. Can he save his people, and can he find love?