《肉的告白》是關於我們所吃的動物的真實紀錄,而這段故事是由幾位從來沒有機會發表自己想法的人們為觀點,包括一位認為所有人都必須要瞭解自己所吃的食物的獵人,以及一位不以賺錢為目的的專業養豬戶。《肉的告白》提供了對人類、這塊土地以及超級市場貨架上的生物的新看法,讓人們重新思考對日常所吃下的食物的認知。MEAT is the modern story of the animals we eat, as told by the people who never get to say their piece - from the solitary hunter who believes everyone needs to be educated about their food, to an industrial pig farmer who argues that money isn't his primary driver. MEAT is a revealing and thought-provoking documentary that does not tell you what to think - but shines a new light on the people, the land and everything that lies behind the supermarket shelves.