西班牙举行了当时最为高规格的首脑议会,参会的全是当时欧洲的大国:法国、英国、葡萄牙和教皇本人等。 尽管这些国家打着和平会议的幌子,但是他们举办并参加会议的真正原因却是绑架西班牙国王,并用“挟天子以令诸侯”的手段,希望能从西班牙的版图上分得一杯羹。为了能确保这个目的的实现,并希望怪侠红鹰不在重要的时候出来捣乱,会议的核心人物桑迪拉纳夫人雇用了血腥的哥萨克人来追杀红鹰。 红鹰正面临着哥萨克的追杀,于此同时国王的生命和西班牙的国土都岌岌可危。面对着虎视眈眈的敌人,面对着受伤的亲人,红鹰会做出什么选择?The Red Eagle takes place during the 1760's-1810's, where Portugal, France and England are all trying to take over Spain. A man named, "The Red Eagle", is the hero among people, a man who fights for justice, meets a beautiful blonde women, looking for the aid of The Red Eagle. Angered and grieved by a random accident, The Red Eagle decides to pull one last heroic deed. During all this, there is a summit going on between Spain, Portugal, France and England, during which something disastrous happens and it affects the whole city.