卡尔·霍夫曼和科尔·霍夫曼是亲兄弟,成长在魏玛共和国和纳粹党上台时期,并见证了第三帝国的建立。科尔加入了纳粹党卫军并被莱因哈德推荐成为希姆莱的助手;卡尔加入了纳粹冲锋队(SA)。冲锋队解散后卡尔被送进了集中营,他的哥哥利用他的影响力使得卡尔走出了集中营。之后卡尔加入了德国国防军,在俄国前线英勇作战成为了一名军官。最终,科尔和卡尔都对纳粹主义和德国必胜失去了信心,努力帮助其弟弟求生。汉斯,是希特勒青年团成员,他仍然坚信第三帝国必胜,并拒绝与霍夫曼兄弟一起回家··········The story of Helmut and Karl Hoffmann. Both come of age at the start of Hitler's power in Germany. Helmut joins the SS and eventually becomes a successful flag rank officer. Karl joins the SA and experiences the darker side of Nazism after the SA is disbanded and Karl is thrown into prison and later conscripted into the German army. Brother is pitted against brother until their relationship, and the Third Reich, stands in ruins