故事围绕着一种在街头被称作“Soy Sauce”的毒品展开,传说,此种毒品的使用者可以获得极其美好的迷幻体验,但相应的,它也会让沉迷者变得“非人类化”。此时,一个无声世界的入侵也在悄悄的进行,人类需要一个新的英雄。而责任似乎落在了John和David,这对仅有个糊口工作的大学生身上。他们能够阻止恐怖的降临并拯救人类么?不,不,他们不能。It's a drug that promises an out-of-body experience with each hit. On the street they call it Soy Sauce, and users drift across time and dimensions. But some who come back are no longer human. Suddenly a silent otherworldly invasion is underway, and mankind needs a hero. What it gets instead is John and David, a pair of college dropouts who can barely hold down jobs. Can these two stop the oncoming horror in time to save humanity? No. No, they can't.