小鸟游是家中独子,上有姐姐下有妹妹,从小生活在女人堆里,酷爱一切和可爱有关的事物。机缘巧合的来到一家叫做瓦古娜利亚的餐厅打工,开始了学校、打工、家事三点一线的忙碌生活。小鸟游渐渐发现,原来瓦古娜利亚餐厅的店员都各具特色:种岛是个外形娇小,长着一张娃娃脸的可爱女生,凭借这令自己相当头疼的卡哇伊外形深得大家疼爱。伊波有着男性恐惧症,对女顾客服务完美的无法挑剔,却因为这奇怪的病症经常殴打男顾客。八千代是外场负责人,特点是喜欢佩戴一把武士道,和爱吃的店长白藤杏子,冷面厨师佐藤三人有着暧昧不清的关系。面对这些怪异却有趣的同事,小鸟游也随着时间渐渐融入到了这别具特色的餐厅打工生活中。Due to his love for small, cute things, Souta Takanashi cannot turn childlike Popura Taneshima down when she recruits him to work for Wagnaria, a family restaurant located in Hokkaido. Takanashi takes particular joy in doting on the older Popura, which only fuels her complex over how young she looks. He also quickly learns he must stay on his toes once he meets the rest of his colleagues, including the katana-wielding floor chief Yachiyo Todoroki, the intimidating head chef Jun Satou, the dangerously well-informed and subtly sadistic sous chef Hiroomi Souma, the adamantly lazy manager Kyouko Shirafuji, and the waitress Mahiru Inami who has a "painful" fear of men. Powered by an eccentric cast, Working!! is a unique workplace comedy that follows the never-dull happenings within the walls of Wagnaria as Takanashi and his co-workers' quirky personalities combine to create non-stop antics, shenanigans, and hilarity.