渝州城永安当的小伙计景天是个怀有大大梦想的乐天派,一日在集市闲逛时他遇到了堂堂唐门大小姐雪见。受到两人随身玉佩的彼此吸引,他们二人“热闹而又尴尬”的相识了,成了一对欢喜冤家。其实雪见和景天正是彼此的有缘人,而他们都来历不凡,身藏几世的秘密。 随着雪见家族的剧变,二人阴差阳错的步入了江湖的血雨腥风之中,并结识了紫萱、龙葵和长卿等。虽然朋友相伴的日子非常快乐,但等待他们的却是更加惊险的前程和重大的责任。Chinese Paladin 3 is a Chinese television series adapted from the video game of the same title, and, because of an added time travel concept allowing the protagonist from Chinese Paladin (2005) to appear in the setting decades before the events of the first. It was first released on television stations in mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore in 2009. Chinese Paladin 2 was not filmed because the producers felt that the third game had a much stronger story than the second.