5个女孩为了一次净水的斋祭跑到不知名的偏僻宅第。7 天,没有食物,没有电,没有电话。以水作为他们唯一的补给方式。不过他们的日子将在神秘的声响中逝去,直到他们开始相信自己并不是这座阴森农舍里的唯一客人。正象水给予生命一样,水也能可怕的将生命带走。A murky and polluted lake lies in malevolent hibernation behind a neglected cottage. Suddenly a large plastic garbage is thrown into it. It floats amidst the murk, hits the surface, and bumps clumsily into the base of a tree. Silence; until the plastic bag lunges and clings to the tree's branch. 2 girls (Olivia and Christina) stand at the edge of the lake, looking at its nauseating state. 3 others (Summer, Nicole, and Ana) are taking their suitcases out of the SUV parked in front of the cottage. Summer mentions how creepy it is. Ana confirms that it's absolutely perfect. Nicole drags her massive suitcase up the driveway. Christina and Olivia give each other a look, a nod, a smile;"well, lets do it." Isolating themselves for health and cleansing 5 girls find that you need more than water to survive the past . .