供职于某证券公司的棕发女郎莎比(Rachel Guenot 饰)美丽动人,但为人保守内向。而和其姿色相当的同事奥黛尔(Stéphanie Bibard 饰)却吸引了周围所有男性的目光,事业也因此一帆风顺。 不久,一名性感美艳的女子——莫根妮(Lisa Belle 饰)搬进了莎比的隔壁。这个大胆的女子为莎比带来了不同的体验,她向保守的邻居传授吸引男性的技巧,并为其亲身做出示范。一段刺激香艳的时光过后,莎比的身上发生了翻天覆地的变化……Sabine a slim brunette works for a finance broker and her work colleague Odile gets all the attention. All that is about to change when Morgane a sexy blond moves in next door to Sabine and teaches her how to be sexy and seductive. The results are successful as she gets the attension she was looking for. Only her boyfriend cheats on her with Morgane but he soon comes back in line.