人人街上有家不起眼没招牌的租书店,陆续聚集了四位鲁蛇:最不会讨债的黑道小弟 – 张亮、生意惨淡的租书店老板 – 周广侠、宁愿负债也要拜金的 – 康乐佑、渴望被爱的富二代 – 丁邵恩 四位鲁蛇怀着自己隐藏性的人际障碍问题,在租书店挂上疑难杂事招牌,开始替人解决种种人际上的苦差事,在荒谬惊奇又哭笑的情境里,陆续解决了别人的问题,但也同时面对了自己在友情、亲情、爱情上的层层关卡,改变了每个人内心胆怯不敢面对的那一面…Ever since his childhood growing up in an orphanage, there has always been something about Chang Liang (Yu-Ning Tsao) that makes almost anyone willing to open up to him. One day, he came across a nameless bookstore where he began making a living by resolving other people's relationship conflicts. At this bookstore he falls in love, is reunited with his best friend and, in the course of resolving other people's problems, even finds his long-lost mother. As love, friendship, and kinship converge and begin to collide in his life, he must now figure out how to resolve the emergent relationship issues in his own life.