故事背景是乡下的一个社区,雷特别来到乡下享受一周假期,却发现新搬来的邻居古先生一家行踪怪异,经常昼伏夜出,屋子的气氛亦恐怖得有如鬼屋。此时恰好另一邻居华特先生神秘失踪,雷猜疑是否古做的好事?于是趁古家一家人外出时,亲自摸进古家内一探究竟……This story takes place in a typical American neighborhood, when some new neighbors come to live in the house next to Ray Peterson. These new people are really strange; nobody has ever seen them, their house is a real mess, and during the night you can hear weird noises from their basement. The only thing they know is their name: Klopeks. One day Walter (an old man of the neighborhood) suddenly disappears and everyone starts to suspect the Klopeks...