更新日期2019-05-12 12:05:48
片名攻壳机动队 第一季(2002)
又名攻壳机动队 S.A.C. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex / 攻壳机动队 STAND ALONE COMPLEX / Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
导演神山健治 中村隆太郎 若林厚史 吉原正行 下司泰弘 橘正纪 大原实 竹下健一 河野利幸 布施木一喜 
主演田中敦子 大川透 家中宏 山寺宏一 桧山修之 玉川纱己子 
类型动作 科幻 动画 惊悚 犯罪 
语言英语   日语 


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《攻克机动队》动画TV版,分2季。   第一季描述:公元2030年,经历了4次世界大战的世界面临更严峻的挑战。随着人类义体化等科技的不断发展,犯罪行为也日渐离奇复杂。为了解决这类案件,日本内务省的直属部队——公安9课,这个对外不存在的特种部队,在队长草薙素子的带领下向恶势力发起制裁。而面对公安9课的,是高度发达的科技下创造的案件、权力政治斗争的阴谋、与以笑脸男为代表的Stand Alone Complex犯罪。   第二季故事发生在笑脸男事件结束后,公安9课面对了新的敌人,自称“个人的11人”的反政府武装组织开始了计划周密的犯罪,其背后牵扯的战争难民问题更令整个社会的矛盾激化。面对政府与犯罪分子带来的压力,草薙素子再次带领公安9课出动。The second season of Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex begins with Section 9 being called back to work after a hostage situation of concern to the Ruling Party renders the Police useless. The entire team returns to the front lines: Kusanagi, Batoh, Togusa, Ishikawa, Saito, Paz & Borma, with four of the original Tachikomas restored after the firefight of Episode 26. The hostage situation announced the rising of a new terrorist cell, which takes much after another one in the headlines of today's papers. The Individual Eleven, whose members are neither individuals, or total up to eleven are a new threat to Public Security. How does a specialized public security group face an enemy more faceless than the "laughing man" during a time of political unrest? Among the broad changes from the first show involve the new ruling party, headed by the new Prime Minister Kabayuki after the prior ousting in GITS: SAC, the Japanese Residents caught in the middle of the affairs and paying the taxes for jobs they're going to lose in a time of recession, and the downtrodden "invited" Asian Immigrants of the Second Vietnamese War who were brought to Japan as a half-hearted humanitarian act from the government who was really just seeking cheap labor. And just who is the man called "Gohda", a mysterious new 'supervisor' (don't worry, Aramaki still runs the group) who appears to be calling the shots for Section 9 during certain missions? He calls out orders as if he was in charge of the group, yet has no apparent loyalty or respect to the government, military or Section 9.