樱咲学园是一所寄宿制男子高中,众帅哥汇聚于此,引得少女们的疯狂追逐。某日,学校里来了位美国来的转学生——芦屋瑞稀(堀北真希饰),可是谁也不知道这个“他”竟然是女扮男装! 其实瑞稀千里迢迢从美国而来全是为了一个人:佐野泉(小栗旬饰)。佐野曾经救过瑞稀,但是却意外受伤,后来还放弃了跳高事业,整个人充满了颓废气息。内疚的瑞稀就是回来“拯救”佐野的。 在帮助佐野重拾跳高的过程中,瑞稀还结识了许多好朋友:可爱率真的秀一(生田斗真饰)、花心风流的难波南(水嶋ヒロ饰)、充满神秘气息的萱岛大树(山本裕典饰)等等。瑞稀和他们共同谱写了一曲最美妙的青春乐章。Already a successful television series in Taiwan, this Japanese language drama is also based on the manga by Nakajo Hisaya. Horikita Maki plays Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl who has been living in the U.S. until she sees a young man named Sano Izumi (Oguri Shun) compete in the high jump on television. She begins to idolize him, and decides to move to Japan so she can attend the same school. The catch? Izumi goes to an all-boys school, so Mizuki can't be a student there. Unwilling to let such a trifling thing as being the wrong gender stop her, Mizuki disguises herself as a boy and enrolls at the school anyway.