这是一个关于幻想与真实,父亲与儿子,传奇与人生的故事。想起红楼里面那一句:假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无。真与假,是否有必要划个界限分个清楚呢?我没有兴趣去思考什么“实践到底能不能出真知”的哲学命题,my point is : If it makes u feel better to take the fancy version, why bother to dig out the boring sometimes ugly truth behind? If it hurts nobody, what does it matter for being real or imaginary ? Any way it's a story, buy it or not, the wisdom of life.
“Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.”
“They say that once u find the love of your life, time stops. What they don't tell u is that, once time starts again, it moves extra faster to catch up.”
They don't have to make 100% sense,I just love the tone~ :P
I'm 8, you're 18. When I'm 18, u'll be 28. When I'm 28, u'll be 38 ... 小女孩说。
I know this is the best place, but there's a whole life waiting for me, my journey's just begun, I have to leave. 男人说。
Promise u'll come back. 小女孩说。
“Fate has a way of circling back on a man and taking him by surprise. The story ended up where it began.”
“Your father never meant to end up here. Yet he did, twice. The first timehe was early, the second time he was late. For him there're only 2 women in the world, your mother and the rest.” 女人对男人的儿子说。
“A giant man can't have an ordinary-sized life. A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories.”