
1970年至1991年的回忆 第一季:在线播放

1970年至1991年的回忆 第一季剧情介绍

类型:纪录片 地区:英国 年份:1991

22 one-hour programs giving a truly balanced and entertaining perspective of the most exciting, topical and human interest events of 1970 to 1991. There's something for everybody! The politics, fashions, music, stars, personalities, conflicts and the disasters which touched all our lives. 1. 1970 Troops shoot students at Kent State. First 'Jumbo' lands at Heathrow. Edward Heath wins election. Oil disaster in North Sea. 'The Beatles' break up. 2. 1971 Idi Amin seizes power in Uganda. First British soldier killed in Ulster. Hot pants arrive. My Lai massacre court martial. Mick Jagger weds Bianca. 3. 1972 Nixon visits China. Arab terrorists seize Olympic hostages. American combat troops withdraw from Vietnam. 'Bloody Sunday' shootings in Belfast. Tutankhamun comes to London. 4. 1973 Peace treaty ends Vietnam war. The Watergate Affair. Yom Kippur War. Britain's three-day week. Princess Anne engaged. 5. 1974 Nixon resigns. Harold Wilson wins election. John Stonehouse disappears. Police search for Lord Lucan. Georges Pompidou dies. 6. 1975 'Thatcherism' is born. Balcombe Street siege. First oil flows from North Sea. Spaghetti House siege. President Ford escapes assassination. 7. 1976 Drought hits Britain. Harold Wilson quits Number 10. Princess Margaret and Snowdon part. Israeli commandos free Entebbe hostages. Death of Mao Tse Tung. 8. 1977 North Sea oil rig disaster. Laker launches 'Sky Train'. Elvis Presley dies. Dutch marines kill train terrorists. Jumbo jets collide and kill 574. 9. 1978 Donald Woods escapes from South Africa. First test-tube baby. Jeremy Thorpe faces trial. Pope John Paul II dies. Red Brigade kidnaps Aldo Moro. 10. 1979 Shah of Iran expelled. Britain's Winter of Discontent. Three Mile Island disaster. US Embassy staff seized in Iran. Murder of Mountbatten. 11. 1980 John Lennon shot. SAS storms Iranian embassy. Ronald Reagan wins US election. Hostage rescue mission fails in Iran. Mount St Helens erupts. 12. 1981 The Royal Wedding. Assassination attempts on Reagan and Pope. Anwar Sadat shot. First space shuttle. Iran releases hostages. 13. 1982 Argentina invades the Falklands. Spielberg creates ET. Laker's 'Sky Train' collapses. Unemployment hits 3 million. Cruise missiles arrive in Britain. 14. 1983 South Korean airliner shot down. Reagan promises 'Star Wars'. Thatcher re-elected. America's first woman astronaut. Grenada invaded by US. 15. 1984 Miners strike begins. Shooting at Libyan Embassy. Brighton bombing. Hong Kong hand-over agreed. 'Band Aid' helps Ethiopian victims. 16. 1985 Gorbachev wins power in Russia. Hijackers seize the Achille Lauro. French sink Rainbow Warrior. Madonna marries. Heysel stadium disasters. 17. 1986 Space shuttle explodes. Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The Westland Affair. The 'Big Bang' flops. Irangate scandal begins. 18. 1987 "Herald of Free Enterprise" sinks. Thatcher wins third term. Terry Waite kidnapped. Britain's storm of the Century. Worldwide stock market crash. 19. 1988 Nurses strike for more pay. Bush wins Presidential election. SAS shootings in Gibraltar. Piper Alpha disaster. Mitterand returns as President. 20. 1989 Tienanmen Square massacre. Russia withdraws from Afghanistan. Berlin Wall is opened. Ceaucescu overthrown in Romania. Thatcher longest-serving PM. 21. 1990 Saddam invades Kuwait. Nelson Mandela is freed. Channel Tunnel meets in middle. Frank Bruno marries. Soviet troops pull out of Czechoslovakia. Thatcher resigns. 22. 1991 Gulf War underway. John McCarthy and Terry Waite released. Yeltsin rescues Gorbachev from a coup. IRA bomb Downing Street. Freddie Mercury dies.