A teenage gang led by the vicious Dexter; his girlfriend Mitzi; and friends Denny and Lummonx; create havoic in a small Florida town by harrassing various people, vandalizing property, well... just for the hell of it. When a former gang member, Doug, tries to prevent their ever increasing violent antics, Denny takes it upon himself and a few loyal members of the gang to target ...$已收$lewis的反社会片子。群氓无良的损伤那些没有反抗力的人,如婴儿、残疾人和瞎子,被他们调戏殴打和凌辱。内维斯在这部片中展现庞克反社会风格,但这实际又并非他真正的风格,没有血块和真正的异类,也就不存在那些能够被记住的烙印。整体来说趋于平淡了,但真实刻画的风格却又有公平加分。