A journey through the dramatic and destructive years of the French Revolution, telling its history in a way not seen before - through the extraordinary story of its art. Our guide through this turbulent decade is the constantly surprising Dr Richard Clay, an art historian who has spent his life decoding the symbols of power and authority. Dr Clay has always been fascinated by v...$"Just because you can afford to build the massive monument, that doesn't mean you are actually in control, anyone who can hold a pen, a spray can, they have power too."$浪漫化革命,美化破坏主义,甚至断头台(曰人性化与具启蒙主义)。然后想了想列宁像,萨达姆,文革,诶,毕竟图样。$Not for the faint-hearted.$法国大革命中宗教与国王塑像如何被毁的纪录片。想到Andrea Chenier剧本里面也提到了亨利四世和马拉的塑像。$创造伴随着破坏