An encompassing discussion of the creation of 'Midway' (1976), featuring an interview with producer Walter Mirisch to guide the featurette. Lead actor Charlton Heston, director Jack Smight, and additional key personnel are also included in the conversation, which covers the origin of the script, the assembly of the stock footage, the collection of A-list actors, and the technic...$76版花了六万美元购买真实历史影像,也借用了很多影视片段。巧合的是,三船敏郎和亨利·方达发现自己演的角色(山本五十六和尼米兹)小指头都有残疾。罗伯特·米彻姆由于不想太辛苦,最后让他演了哈尔西(只需要躺在病床上)