权力的堡垒 第二季Borgen Sæson 2(2011)


导演:Jannik Johansen 

主演:西瑟·巴比特·科努德森 比吉特·约尔特·索伦森 皮鲁·埃斯贝 




  Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their triumphs and failures, Borgen uncovers a world of political and personal intrigue. The setting is Borgen, the nickname for Denmark's Parliamentary building, otherwise known as "The C...$第二部离婚后,作为政治剧完全步入正轨,Birgitte是个出色的女性政治家不在于智商有多高,在于她内心的真诚、行事的果敢和对这份事业的热爱。每次媒体讲话和国会演讲都是提升情商和公众好感度的利器。相较而言,作为政治家的手腕就不够了,这也是女性特质所在,特别能温暖人心,也相对单纯。$比第一季更胜一筹。S2E06是最有张力、最动人的一集,也是让我暂停看字幕最多的一集。多次的长时间精彩激辩...还是不剧透了。第二季BBC还没播,但某丹麦人做的字幕已能媲美官方。卫报专门设有博客每周一次影评,从众多留言可看出这剧在英国的确红。$临睡前看完了最后一集的最后十分钟,一部完美无瑕的剧集以这样一种方式首尾,Birgitte带着她标志性的迷人的微笑诠释了什么是充满个人魅力的女政治家。卫报说,"Birgitte Nyborg is the best thing since The Killing's Sarah Lund",我也必须说,Birgitte is the best of best.$What a season. Amir says she has changed. Indeed, but she’s still innocent and naive in the sense that she’d ask for Amir and Troels to stay in politics. I thought s1 was better in its portrayal of B&...$每个人都太真实了,能充分体现出人性的复杂和多重,人可以一边势利一边充满幻想地天真,一边谎话连篇地渣一边沉溺于得不到的爱,一边冷酷地在权力斗争中狡诈一边脆弱而伤感,这一切矛盾都是我们自身。年度最佳。


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