A four-part documentary series filmed at selected IFSC events in 2023 has been launched by National Geographic, with the first two episodes already available on YouTube, and the final pair coming out in the upcoming days. The series, titled The Crux, follows the emotional path of the athletes through a number of events that could potentially qualify them for the Olympic Games P...$IFSC的直播看到的永远是胜利者的欢呼,获奖者的拥抱,而这部纪录片提供了一个不同的视角展现了每个运动员背后的心路历程。这里有身为难民仍勇敢攀爬的Jenya,有无缘奥运又面临退役的Alannah,有共同争夺日本奥运名额又共同失意亚洲选拔赛而抹眼泪的Miho和Futaba,有万众瞩目仍努力训练的Janja,有沉稳的坚持不懈的Jacob。真是台上一分钟,台下十年功。我突然想起在盐湖城看到的没有进决赛而掉...