In Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery, intrepid filmmaker Cullen Hoback dives into the origins of Bitcoin and the identity of its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. The documentary film offers a thrilling, globe-spanning investigation, with Hoback immersing himself with key players, uncovering never-before-seen clues, and humorously unraveling Bitcoin’s meteoric rise. HBO Documentary ...$It’s just so boring!$“another example of journalists really missing the point”$该片认为中本聪是Peter Todd,其团队含Adam Back和Samson Mow. 在Mow的推动下,萨尔瓦多在2021年成为全球首个将比特币作为法定货币的国家,与美元并列使用。$太荒唐了$喜剧效果蛮不错的。这个导演实在是unprofessional