艾德布许峡谷之战The Battle at Elderbush Gulch(1913)



导演:D.W. Griffith 编剧:D.W. Griffith/Henry Albert Phillips

主演:梅·马什 Leslie Loveridge Alfred P 




  Drunken red Indians carouse in pagan revelry, whipping up their appetite for dog meat. In search of supper, a party of Indians attempts to kidnap the pets of some nearby pioneers. The settlers shoot the Indians which instigates a war. Will the isolated town of settlers survive the onslaught of the savages long enough for the cavalry to arrive? Written by Thomas McWilliams <tgm@...$格里菲斯的印第安人西部片,丽莲·吉许主演。Griffith believed this to be the best film he had done up to that time, and it was one of his most popular two-reelers, as well as one that pointed the way towards the large spic ...$叙事做得确实不错 尤其是对圆孔画框的运用节奏的处理 小木屋抗敌 最后一分钟营救 后来都体现在了国家诞生里 但是不得不说的是!!!格里菲斯真的是个百分百种族主义者 白人之上主义者 这tmd什么故事?!$镜头语言已经比较成熟,剪辑流畅,画框的运用出彩,场面调度,群戏。$使用了ELS在大量市民逃走,拯救段落:嬰兒(近景)與女孩連接的蒙太奇,造成震撼效果,典型的美印衝突,家庭對抗部落,主旋律式的宣揚$有美女看哇哈哈~~


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