A film about the art of the hula explores Hawaiian dance traditions going back to 500AD when Polynesians first arrived in the islands. Those traditions have been passed along from generation to generation by kahuna (priests and sages) and kumu hula (master teachers). In this film, shot at exotic locations throughout the islands, Vicky Holt Takamine and other respected kumu hula...$一部关于草裙艺术的电影探讨了夏威夷的舞蹈传统,可以追溯到公元500年波利尼西亚人第一次来到夏威夷时。风景乡土人文纪录作品,多看一些被历史和社会洪流所埋没的土著风俗文化纪录片可以多多增长阅历和见识,挺好的