我的轮回My Reincarnation(2010)



导演:Jennifer Fox 

主演:Yeshi Silvano Namkhai Chögyal  




本片以前所未有的二十年时间,深入接触藏传佛教导师Namkhai Norbu仁波切,由过千小时出色的录摄剪辑而成。影片是一个贴身的父与子、传统与变革、梦想与现实、命运与欲望,以及当今藏传佛教的故事。 For twenty years, filmmaker Jennifer Fox has been following the high Tibetan master, Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and his Italian born son, Yeshi, with her camera. The result is the astounding feature length documentary, MY REINCARNATION, which tells the rare inside story of one of the last reincarnate teachers to be trained in Tibet and his son's stubborn reluctance to follow in his father's footsteps. Rinpoche escaped Tibet in 1959 and settled in Italy, where he married and had two children, of which Yeshi was the first. As a boy, Yeshi was recognized as the reincarnation of a famous spiritual master, who died after the Chinese invaded Tibet. But Yeshi grew up in Italy and never wanted to have anything to do with this legacy...... Filmed over twenty years by acclaimed documentarian Jennifer Fox (Flying: Confessions of a Free Woman), My Reincarnation chronicles the epic story of a high Tibetan Buddhist Master and his western-born son, Yeshi. The film follows Namkhai Norbu's rise to greatness as a Buddhist teacher in the West, while his son, Yeshi, recognized at birth as the reincarnation of a famous spiritual master, breaks away from his father's tradition to embrace the modern world. Can the father convince his son to keep the family's threatened spiritual legacy alive? With her signature intimate entry to both family and icons including the Dalai Lama, Fox expertly distills a decades-long drama into a universal story about love, transformation, and destiny. Filmed over twenty years by acclaimed documentarian Jennifer Fox, My Reincarnation chronicles the epic story of the high Tibetan Buddhist Master, Ch?gyal Namkhai Norbu, and his western-born son, Yeshi. The film follows Namkhai Norbu's rise to greatness as a Buddhist teacher in the West, while his son, Yeshi, recognized at birth as the reincarnation of a famous spiritual master, breaks away from his father's tradition to embrace the modern world. Can the father convince his son to keep the family's threatened spiritual legacy alive? Never before has a high Tibetan Master allowed such complete access to his private life and it is doubtful that another ever will. 纪录片《前世今生》(My Reincarnation)是亚洲佛教电影节的放映作品之一,该片的美国导演珍妮佛霍士(Jennifer Fox)在记者会接受本地媒体的长途电访。 《前世今生》从1989年开始纪录18岁的主角Yeshi,他的父亲是南开诺布仁波切,1959年从西藏离开一路流亡,最后定居在意大利。南开诺布仁波切相信儿子Yeshi是自己的叔叔,即高僧佐钦的转世。 生活在西方社会的Yeshi和坚持保有西藏传统文化的父亲曾发生不少冲突,但随着年岁成长,成为IBM员工的Yeshi逐渐发现西藏文化在自己身上的影响,也使他重新思考这个传统文化的现代意义。 珍妮佛霍士花了20年追踪纪录Yeshi的生活才完成《前》,她透露Yeshi虽坦荡的面对镜头,不过他也希望过普通人的生活。珍妮佛霍士也不排斥有第二集的《前世今生》。
very inspiring. make you start to think why and how to observe yourself...learn to detach the importance from things around. but also wonder what kind of relationship, if there is still one, with other human beings remains at the end.$宗教耐得下心,在细微处找到信仰。$怎么说呢,我总觉得Yeshi从小过着平静的生活,不知何为suffering,他怎么能去教别人怎么overcome suffering?$不错$很奇怪的感觉,一直没有想过西藏解放对西藏本身意味着什么,还有中国的少数民族都在上世纪社会主义洗脑的大流中同化了 究竟中国文化意味着什么


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