As it becomes harder to prise fact from fiction, one person’s memory and story from another’s, the book threatens to derail all their friendships, bringing old traumas to the surface of the small coastal community where they grew up, and stirring its perpetrators, who want to make it all go away. 9.1号就播出啦…这个题材应该有很多剧了,仍在不停的拍不停的播,可以知道现实有多残酷又多无奈。主演团都是表演型的,各种情绪都表现的很好。4🌟$how vicki was the light for tess who brought a bit of life back to her heart.$三星。作为悬疑剧,剧情写得不太行,一上来签indemnity条款还带一通解释,直露谜底,后面抖的几个包袱也牵强,小镇恶霸太脸谱化。这剧和同期的Dealoch差了一个巴斯海峡。闺蜜三人组Simone、Hat、Tess演得还值得一看,其余乏善可陈。(戏不够,景来凑,但我们新州的South Coast风景偏软,没有塔州的粗砺高冷有格调......