Gena, a queer artist from a small town in Russia, dresses in otherworldly costumes made from junk and tape, and protests the government on the streets of Moscow. Born and raised on the harsh streets of Magadan, a frigid outpost of the Soviet gulag, Gena is only 21. She stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism. By doing that, she wants to ...$只有头半小时还可以,后面就找不着北了$完成度非常高,转场序列拍成了正儿八经严肃 fashion film,如他们所说的 DRAG QUEEN 没有不政治的,从小镇出来的 GENA 很美很可爱也很勇敢,行为和材料的力量,与其被开除应该作为优秀毕业生。