Why was classical music so important to Hitler and Goebbels? The stories of Jewish cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who survived Auschwitz, and of star conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, who worked with the Nazis, provide insight. The film centers around two people who represent musical culture during the Third Reich - albeit in very different ways. Wilhelm Furtwängler was a star co...$富特文格勒认为,艺术和政治是彼此独立的,他短暂离开柏林爱乐,然后重返,和戈培尔完成了魔鬼交易。安妮塔·拉斯卡靠音乐活下来,以集中营管弦乐团的身份幸存,她说,我们不该轻易评断他人,尤其是有些情况我们根本无法想象。而在诺曼·莱布雷希特看来,我们应该分清什么是对什么是错,如果你不去指挥希特勒的生日音乐会,并不会因此丧命,那你为什么要去呢?